According to Pycharm (and thus assume according by PEP) i should state all instance attributes directly inside __init__. In my case it does not seem suitable to me. I have something like:

class Handler(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.start_index = # parse
        # Do stuff

    def parse(self):
        # Do stuff

    def parse_header():
        raise NotImplementedError

    def parse_body():
        raise NotImplementedError

class StringHandler(Handler):
    def parse_header():
        self.string_index = # parse
        self.string_count = # parse
        self.style_index = # parse
        self.style_count = # parse
        # More here

    def parse_body():
        self.strings = # parse
        self.styles = # parse
        # More here

class IntHandler(Handler):
    def parse_header():
        self.int_index = # parse
        self.int_count = # parse
        # More here

    def parse_body():
        self.ints = # parse
        # More here

Given that there are objects (quite a lot of them) that all derive from Handler class, the structure of each object it quite obvious for anyone who reads the code. To me it seems like unnecessary cluttering to declare __init__ just for sake of calling parent __init__ and declare couple of parameters as None. Usually parse-ing functions just parse whatever is needed and store that to attributes, thus adding such __init__ would sometimes almost double the size of the class (code-wise).

edit: I searched for this problem, but I did not found suitable answer, for example while searching stackexcahnge, the questions were either too broad to get useful answer ( How would you know if you've written readable and easily maintainable code? ) or asking different question ( Is it a good practice to declare instance variables as None in a class in Python? )

  • 2
    It would be lovely to have comment for that -1 so I can avoid the same mistake again
    – Drecker
    Sep 24, 2017 at 7:59
  • 1
  • 8
    @gnat I believe the question you are referring to is way to broad, I was trying to be specific enough to get reasonable opinion of more experienced people
    – Drecker
    Sep 24, 2017 at 8:09
  • 1
    I wonder if SO could implement a check that anyone who is attempting -1 has at least one comment. Or perhaps it may be better to just pop up a tool tip to advise "when voting down please explain your reasons in a comment so that the OP can learn, and your down vote is not interpreted as just abusive".
    – NeilG
    Mar 8, 2023 at 0:53

3 Answers 3


Yes, you should assign all attributes of your object in the __init__ method.

The most important reason to do this is tool support. Many Python IDEs can see the assignments in the __init__ and use those attributes for type-based autocompletion. Sphinx-doc can list those attributes in your reference documentation.

There's also a more fundamental reason: Simple is good, so don't create complicated objects that change their shape during execution. Given a StringHandler instance I may or may not be able to read the handler.strings attribute. If I try that before handler.parse() has been executed, I will get an AttributeError. Afterwards I would get the value. To avoid exceptions, consumers of your class would have to getattr(handler, 'strings', None) with a default value which is quite tedious.

In general, constructors should create fully-initialized objects that are immediately usable. In some cases it is necessary to create mutable objects that have an empty, default state, and later transition to a state where they contain a value. However, this should be the exception and is rarely a good design. See also Are init() methods a code smell? and Start Method vs. Setting up everything in constructor which discuss this issue for Java.

In your case the parse() method is such a two-phase initialization method that must be called before the object can really be used. This raises the questions:

  • What is the point of these objects, if they're just a container for whatever values the parse() function produces? As you are using them, you might as well use a dict instead of a class.

  • Is an empty Handler meaningful in any way?

  • Why is the initialization in parse() separate from the other initialization?

  • Or are you using those attributes only for communication between the parse_x functions, not for external consumers?

Possible alternative designs:

  • The handlers specify how a field should be parsed, but do not actually contain the value. The parse method returns the value. Because the handlers do not contain any data, it may not be necessary to use classes for this – simple functions could are sufficient.

  • The handlers represent a parsed value. There is no “empty” state. The parsing either happens in the constructor, or in separate functions. Because these objects are just dumb structs, you could define them via namedtuple() when parsing is separate.

  • 1
    While I cannot agree with your "main" reason -- In my mind IDE capabilities should not affect your code design, overall answer is really nice and comprehensive! Just for clarification - answer to many of your remarks is that the shown sample is minimal working example and the actual code is a little more complex.
    – Drecker
    Sep 25, 2017 at 15:31
  • 1
    @Drecker why not? It is not for the benefit of the IDE, but the user of the IDE, the future maintainer. They should influence your design.
    – Caleth
    Jun 24, 2020 at 23:03
  • 2
    As of 3.3, with PEP 412: Key-Sharing Dictionaries, the CPython reference interpreter rewards you for always initializing all fields in __init__ (even if some of them are just initialized to placeholders like None) by roughly halving the memory overhead of each instance when that guideline is followed. Oct 24, 2022 at 22:13
  • Agree that IDEs should follow our code, not we should care about IDEs (my IDE is vim). "Simple is good, so don't create complicated objects that change their shape during execution." - simple is good, so don't create attributes just to replace them an instant later. Also, if you create attributes with None, how do you assure that it is not a valid value. Mar 29 at 16:08

Counter example to the existing expected "Yes" answer:

When you develop a GUI having, let's say, 30 widgets (where lot of them could be just simple parent containers), it is too ugly to code 30 instance attributes (widget instances) within the initializer. In fact, on many levels, it is not even practical to do that within __init__(). I always "delay" the creation of widgets by delegating them to a dedicated function which, in turn, can rely on other smaller functions each having a responsibility on this or that group of widgets.

  • 3
    While I agree that the __init__ can certainly get too large, I would only delegate the initialization but not the attribute assignment to other functions. I.e. in the constructor: self.lower_left_widget = MyGui.make_lower_left_widget(args)
    – amon
    Sep 24, 2017 at 13:27
  • IMHO, that is not practical. Here is an example Sep 24, 2017 at 13:29
  • 5
    I strongly disagree there. I've looked at your example and am unimpressed. All those attributes that would be “not practical” to assign? Most of them are totally unneeded: and only the sand/sea area and the lifeguard, child, sand speed scales are ever used after initialization. Why keep the rest around? Your misguided focus on niladic functions has led you to effectively write procedural code that communicates through global variables. That data flow is unnecessarily difficult to follow. I'd write it like this: gist.github.com/latk/d72c89b89f6fcc3ee8a1a93719972387
    – amon
    Sep 24, 2017 at 16:38

One counter-example is when you use a function to reset properties, avoiding duplicated code:

class Handler(object):
  def __init__(self):

  def resetProperties(self, prop1=None, prop2=None):
    self._prop1 = prop1
    self._prop2 = prop2

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