I'm going into Clean Architecture and lift my Android level from MVC to MVP, introducing DI with Dagger 2, Reactivity with RxJava 2, and of course Java 8.
In MVP clean architecture there is a layer between the entities (in datastores) and the presenters that should access them. This layer is the "Use Case". An use case it's ideally an interface, that implements ONE operation on ONE entity.
I also know that Clear Architecture "is screaming", in sense of its projects are really highly readable as the high number of classes in them.
Now, in my project, I have something like 6 different entities, and of course, each entity repository has at least 4 methods (usually get,add,delete,update) to access them.. so, 6 * 4 = 24.
If what I understood until now of Clean Architecture, I will have 24 UseCase.
This is a lot of classes if compared to just 6 controllers in MVC..
Do I really have to make 24 use cases?
I will really appreciate a clarification by someone already used it with success.