I did some research before posting this question. Among other questions or post, one of those is provided below. I could not get a clear mind how to determine..
http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/137028/business-objects-within-a-data-access-layerBusiness Objects within a Data Access Layer
I have a Repository and the Business Layers call the repository to retrieve the data. For example, say I have the following classes for BLL and DAL:
class BllCustomer
public int CustomerId {get; set;}
public String Name {get; set;}
public BllAddress Address {get; set;}
class BllAddress
public int AddressId {get; set;}
public String Street {get; set;}
public String City {get; set;}
public String ZipCode {get; set; }
class DalCustomer
public int CustomerId {get; set;}
public String Name {get; set;}
public int AddressID {get; set;}
class DalAddress
public int AddressId {get; set;}
public String Street {get; set;}
public String City {get; set;}
public String ZipCode {get; set; }
If the BLL wants to retrieve a Customer object, it would call GetCustomerById(customerId) in DAL.
The following are my concerns I could not get a clear mind:
I cannot see how to determine what object the GetCustomerById in DAL should return? Should it return BllCustomer or DalCustomer?
Where should be the retrieving (and/or converting to Business object) of the address associated with the customer?
If the DAL returns Dal objects then, the logic to retrieve and fill in the Address can only be in the BLL. If the DAL returns BLL objects, then the logic to retrieve and fill in the Address can be either in the BLL or DAL. Currently the DAL is returning the Business Objects and the logic to fill it in is in the DAL.
From what I read, I guess there is no right or wrong. From the link included above, there are people saying one way and the others are saying the other way. But how do I determine which would works best for my case?
Any help would be appreciated.