Regex is an example of what I consider "extremely simple". It's "too simple and too unreadable" for my personal taste. There's a balancing act for me between these extremes, yet regex does have that LISP-like quality of simplicity as I define it: minimalism, symmetry, incredible flexibility, reliability, etc. The problem for me with regex is that it's so simple that it has become so unreadable to the point where I don't think I'll ever become fluent at it (my brain just doesn't work that way and I envy people who can write regex code fluently).
So anyway, that's my definition of "simplicity", and it is completely independent of "readability" and may sometimes even interfere with the other, leading to a balancing act between a more "syntactically convenient" and readable but bigger library or a "syntactically inconvenient", less readable, yet smaller library. I've always found the true "convenience of understanding" and true "maintainability" priorities to align with the latter, with the strong preference towards minimalism even at some cost to readability and more natural human syntax (but not to the point of regex). YMMV.