There's a natural tendency towards what people are used to. If you're programming something in the simplest way the probability of needing no nesting is highest, the probability of needing one level drops off by an order of magnitude, the probability for another level drops off again. The frequency dropping and essentially meaning the deeper the nesting the less trainstrained the human senses are to anticipate it.
It's very common for people to frequently experience performance problems in association to loops which are telling the computer to repeat an action many times and will inherently often be implicated in performance bottlenecks. Unfortunately responses to this can be very superficial. It becomes common for people to see a loop and see a performance problem where there is none and then hide the loop from sight to no real effect. The code "looks" fast but put it on the road, key in the ignition, floor the accelerator and take a look at the speedometer and you might find it's still about as fast as an old lady walking her zimmer frame.
This kind of hiding is similar to if you have ten muggers on your route. If instead of having a straight route to where you want to go you arrange it so that there's a mugger behind every corner then it gives the illusion as you start your journey that there are no muggers. Out of sight out of mind. you're still going to get mugged ten times but now you wont see it coming.