What makes the webapplication more performantweb application perform and scabilityscale better is always a big topyictopic. And finding the slownessperformance problems and tuning them is another...
Here is some my thoughts of how to "finding" the slownesperformance problems:
For a "new" api/application or other
- Analzying the detail api and then preparing the Jmeter/Grinder testing scripts for it.
- Using different load to identify the threshold for the api
- Adding profiling codes find the slownes
- Restart from point one again..
For a "old" api/application or other
- Analyzing the user pattern from the access detail log
- Simulate the real user load to find the slowness
- Adding profiling codes find the slownes
- Restart from point one again..
So,how can you identify the slownessperformance problems?