Most developers I've seen fresh out of school didn't have much experience with OO development. They've heard of it, but most thing it just 'putting stuff in classes'.
At school you get loads of examples about cars & people which can be placed in the OO-framework. This teaches you polymorphism, overloading and stuff like that. Rather 'basic' stuff. It's good to know these things and how they work, but I never got an example of a real-world use for this.
I think it's important to show students some real-world scenario's where some design is used.
One other thing I missed in college is the use (or mis-use) of usable design patterns. I think these days the most important patterns should be introduced somewhere in the late 1st year or beginning of the 2nd year. Students should get familiar with them.
Writing clean code is something which isn't taught (enough) at school. We could make a real mess of the code and still get an A+. 'If the application works, it's good.' was the motto. Students should learn how to write clean and high quality code and get rewarded for it, this also means refactoring and using the patterns or best practices they've learned.
Of course the eager students learned all this stuff by themselves, but others who weren't that eager didn't. This could be placed under a lack of motivation, or they just didn't know where or how to look. When paying a lot of money for a school, I think they should really teach you this semi-advanced stuff.
Also, some decent (professional) writing is a lacking skill for most people. Too bad as it's very important in the real world. Most important is being able to make yourself clear in your native language. If you can't write clearly in your main language, it's hard to communicate in a company.
I don't know if you can teach someone to write at this age, they should already be familiar with this skill.
One could repeat the stuff taught at high school. Maybe teach students how to write comments & technical documentation. I still find it hard to write technical docs as nobody ever seems to know how to do it, or what the default format is.