Simple question, but I often hear these three terms defined with such ferocity, but which have been known to me to mean different things over the years.

What are the "correct" definitions of "Procedures", "Methods", "Function", "Subroutines", etc?

  • 6
    you forgo "routine"
    – mefisto
    Apr 3, 2013 at 13:51
  • 1
    @teresko: I think "subroutine" is more common.
    – mk12
    Jul 7, 2013 at 21:06

6 Answers 6


I'm going with a different answer here: practically speaking, there's really no difference, with the slight exception that "method" usually refers to a subroutine associated with an object in OO languages.

The terms "procedure, function, subroutine, subprogram, and method" all really mean the same thing: a callable sub-program within a larger program. But it's difficult to come up with a definition that captures all variant usages of these terms, because they are not used consistently across programming languages or paradigms.

You might say a function returns a value. Well, the following C function doesn't return a value:

void f() { return; }

...but I doubt you'd find anyone who would call it a procedure.

Sure, in Pascal, procedures don't return values and functions return values, but that's merely a reflection of how Pascal was designed. In Fortran, a function returns a value, and a subroutine returns multiple values. Yet none of this really allows us to come up with a "universal" definition for these terms.

In fact, the term "procedural programming" refers to a whole class of languages, including C, Fortran and Pascal, only one of which actually uses the term "procedure" to mean anything.

So none of this is really consistent. The only exception is probably "method", which seems to be used almost entirely with OO languages, referring to a function that is associated with an object. Although, even this is not always consistent. C++, for example, usually uses the term "member function" rather than method, (even though the term "method" has crept into the C++ vernacular among programmers.)

The point is, none of this is really consistent. It simply reflects the terminology employed by whatever languages are en vogue at the time.

  • That's precisely what I thought the answer was. (I should have added "subroutine" as another variant in hindsight.) Can I ask: Why wouldn't you find anyone who call that C function a "Procedure"? Because it's technically incorrect, or because the term "procedure" is currently out of vogue? Nov 23, 2010 at 19:42
  • 7
    C programmers use the term "function" simply because the designers of C used that term. Nov 23, 2010 at 19:54
  • 17
    Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Just because the terminology is not used with full consistency, doesn't mean that the different terms don't have different meanings. @Bruce's and @Frank's definitions are widely recognized, not idiosyncratic. The fact that the meanings are not universal is important, but it doesn't justify the leap to "practically speaking, there's really no difference". (@Django)
    – LarsH
    Nov 23, 2010 at 23:33
  • 9
    Kind of dual to C++, which calls methods "member functions", Java and C# call functions "static methods". Nov 24, 2010 at 1:28
  • 2
    Bruce's answer is definitely the one you should go for if you're new to programming. His definitions will be absolutely correct, 99% of the time. But I was looking for more of a technical/theoretical answer. Sometimes newer programmers know only their own domain, and insist that is all there is. In reality there are programmers working today who still use older languages, and who are not "wrong" for using different definitions. That was what I was most interested in. Apr 12, 2011 at 18:37

A function returns a value, but a procedure does not.

A method is similar to a function, but is internal to part of a class. The term method is used almost exclusively in object-oriented programming.

  • 9
    Not exactly internal. A method is any function or procedure that is part of a class. Nov 23, 2010 at 17:48
  • 8
    So a "Stored Procedure" in SQL doesn't return any values? What about a "Procedure" in something like Pascal? Are your definitions based on current trends or should they be considered universal definitions? Thanks! Nov 23, 2010 at 19:10
  • 3
    @Django: In Pascal a procedure cannot have a return value, and a function must have a return value. In some other languages, the terminology may be used more loosely. Nov 23, 2010 at 20:04
  • 1
    FWIW, FORTRAN had SUBROUTINEs and FUNCTIONs from the early days, the difference being that a SUBROUTINE didn't return a value. I don't remember about ALGOL, which Pascal is descended from. Nov 23, 2010 at 22:42
  • 2
    @3p1c_d3m0n It's certainly true that function fulfills both roles in JS, but JS functions do all return. When a return statement has no value, the value is implicitly undefined. When a return statement is absent, the interpreter adds an implicit return statement. Esoteric, maybe, but it is consistent with the definition given here. This is why var x = function() {}(); is legal in JS; if not for implicit returns, this would need to be an error, as it would be in Pascal.
    – Semicolon
    Nov 8, 2015 at 5:25

A function is something that takes a bunch of inputs and returns one or more values. If the returned values are entirely determined by the inputs, and the function doesn't have any side effects (logging, perhaps, or causing state changes outside itself), then it's called a pure function.

A procedure is a function that doesn't return a value. In particular, this means that a procedure can only cause side effects. (That might include mutating an input parameter!)

A method is a function that closes over a set of variables, that is, a closure. It takes zero or more input parameters, has access to this set of variables, and returns zero or more values. In OO languages these methods are attached to objects or classes.

In most mainstream OO languages, those closed-over variables are called the member fields, or instance variables, of an object. A method can be a pure function, an impure function or a procedure.

The latter definition leads to the object = struct + closures correspondence.

  • 5
    So an object is a collection of variables and a collection of closures over these common variables. Basically, object-oriented languages have always had closures and nobody knew? Interesting view! +1
    – Giorgio
    Jan 4, 2013 at 23:45
  • 1
    I do not believe most methods close over anything. foo.doSomething() is not parameterless. It has one parameter (the object foo) with given with some syntactic sugar. A closure would be able to reference its object without needing such a parameter. That's not to say methods can't be closures, just that most are not, and that being OO is not sufficient for a language to support closures.
    – 8bittree
    Aug 14, 2014 at 20:43
  • 3
    foo.doSomething() closes over the foo variable. Any statement in doSomething can access foo through this or self, depending on your language. This is the very definition of "close over". Classes close over their member variables, therefore (ignoring "what is OO"), OO is sufficient. This is pretty well-known in the literature... Aug 15, 2014 at 8:47
  • 2
    @Steve I tried to use standard terminology. I feel that it is important to be precise in my speech. These things are not the same, even though they may be mostly the same. "Pure" and "impure" have very precise meanings. Lastly, there is only data. Data is code. Code is data. There is only code. (Look at the Lisp languages' macro/metaprogramming facilities.) Feb 7, 2018 at 18:57
  • 2
    ...I singled out "impure function" for ridicule because it cannot necessarily be distinguished from a "procedure" or "method" by your definition. Nor can a "method" and "procedure" be clearly distinguished, since a method attached to a class may use none of its instance variables, or the class need not have any instance variables, but it would still be called a "method" in OO languages (and it's container would still be called a class). There are no generally accepted clear distinctions between these words.
    – Steve
    Feb 7, 2018 at 19:40

Bruce has a good answer. I would add, semantically:

  • A procedure should "do something" to the arguments or cause some other side effect (e.g. printf)
  • A function should (a) answer a question about the arguments, or (b) compute a new value based on the arguments
  • A function method should answer a question about the state of the object
  • A procedure method should change the state of the object
  • Great answer! Just one tiny addition: A procedure should "do something" to the arguments - or cause some other side effect (e.g. printf). Nov 23, 2010 at 18:05
  • 1
    @Allon Note that printf returns a value - the number of characters printed - so it is technically a function.
    – Sjoerd
    Apr 12, 2011 at 20:09
  • @Sjoerd I don't agree that printf is a value. It had a specific side effect outside its invocation scope: namely I/O to whatever the standard output its supposed to be. Even though, Scott was not explicit this distinction, in functional programming functions are not supposed to have side effects, and should be able to answer questions as if you had the actual data it returns.
    – Alan
    Aug 14, 2014 at 17:17

good detailed answers above; the short story is that they'll all flavors of subroutines; what is meant by each term will vary according to the programming language context

in general, functions return a value, but they don't have to

methods are a generic OOP terms at present

in SQL, stored procedures have outputs but typically only return an error code, while user-defined functions must return a value (which may be a result-set)

again, the precise difference between these terms depends on who you're talking to!


80% of proficiency is directly related to familiarity with nomenclature,

95% of productivity is the ability to identify what is useful at the moment despite the terms used to describe it

I pretty much prefer to call them all methods in c# except back when I used MSSQL we had sproc's, but of course now we use Postgres and they are called functions.

  • 16
    83.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot ;-P Jan 5, 2013 at 5:22
  • 1
    I have to admit, I get nervous when I hear someone throwing around the term "method" when working in a non-OO language. It seems to be heavily correlated with running into non-idiomatic code.
    – Racheet
    Jan 17, 2014 at 15:54
  • I use 'Method' when referring to C code because many OO programmers I deal with have a mental breakdown on hearing the terms procedure or function. For fun, if I really want to mess with them, I might interchange the terms randomly. Its not good, kind of like inviting a poltergeist into you home... :)
    – mattnz
    Jul 7, 2014 at 1:46

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