This week I could optimize using a reduced C library that allowed a drastic shrinkage in code size - from about 60 K to about 6 K and then we could load the code in the 8 K on-chip memory of an FPGA (Altera DE2) which I suppose is SRAM so there is SRAM both on-chip and off-chip(?)
The program was rather small itself and we noticed that most of the size was from libraries and doing embedded system we reduce the libraries to only what is needed so that the footprint is minimized.
It makes me wonder about something I heard in the media which was a story, maybe fictious, that Microsoft had to deliver a C compiler in only 20 K or so in the 70s or early 80s when there was not much memory available for software, is it true? What is a feasible size of the footprint for a small C compiler?