During Sprint Planning there are a lot of decisions to be made:
- How many PBIs should the team commit to?
- Which tasks should constitute each PBI?
- How much time should each task take?
With no team leader it is not always easy to make all these decisions, since there will be some decision points (sometimes more than a few) in which the team members will disagree.
I thought about a few options to deal with such disagreements when a consensus cannot be reached in a short period of time (we don't want endless arguments).
- Let ScrumMaster decide
- Let the person who will most likely work on the story decide.
- Majority vote
- Let the person who actually writes the tasks in Excel decide (in such case have a different person write the tasks for each story).
I have two questions:
How to measure consensus? Should the Scrum Master ask each person whether they agree with every decision proposed?
When no consensus can be reached shortly, which option from the list that I proposed do you think we should choose, if any?
Thank you!