(Please note that this question is linked to this: How can Continuous Delivery work in practice? - but it asks a more specific question regarding time and stability).
CI/CD, no manual QA, super quick releases are the new buzzwords and I have read about this topic many times, but it sounds somehow unrealistic for cases when automated tests are hard to pull out. Imagine a complex, UI interaction based software like a video editing software. Or one that has a huge backend, huge frontend with complex account setup, different kinds of authentication, etc. etc. Or if animations are a huge part of your frontend project.
For these big applications tests can run for hours (to give you perspective; in one of our projects full UI tests ran for 16 hours on just one platform; covering only 50% of manual test cases); also UI tests are notoriously brittle (even with very heavy investment on stabilizing them) and you absolutely don't want your release to be reverted after 15 hours because of an unreproducible random UI test bug.
So, the question is: how short and stable should the build/testing should be to be able to pull out a working CI/CD pipeline?