I am new to rest API's as well as mocks. Please help me ..
I have a set of rest API's for which I need to write unit tests. rest API in turn calls another service , gets the JSON response and sends the response [data] back. Basically it's querying a list of master data's like users, suppliers , countries etc etc.
My question is how can I unit test this ?. Any sample code would help me to start ?
package mds; /* all imports removed here */
Please note the below, this url refers to external service which returns the data to my rest API under test
**//external service uri from properties file example value in properties file
// https://svcdev7ows.lab1.com/Arches/search/select?
String archesURL = null;**
public class MasterdataSearchService {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final String USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0";
private final String[] excludeFields = { "ir_classname", "arches_type" };
public static final String KeyRealm = "realm";
public static final String MDSAdapterId = "app.masterdataservice";
public static final String irClassName = "ir_classname";
public static final String masterdataClassParameter = "System.Base.MasterdataClassList.Register";
static Hashtable<String, String> pathToClassNameMap = new Hashtable<String, String>();
//external service uri from properties file
String archesURL = null;
private Map<String, String> irClassNames;
static String searchOptions = "arches.preview=false&sort=score desc,DefaultRelevance desc&wt=json";
static ClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory;
private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
@RequestMapping(value = "data/{classObject}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody String getListOfClassObject (@PathVariable("classObject") String classObject,
@RequestParam(value = "fields",required=false) List<String> fields,
@RequestParam(value = "uniquename",required=false) String uniqueName,
@RequestParam(value = "name",required=false) String name,
@RequestParam(value = "rows",required=false) int rows) throws JSONException, Exception
//hardcoded for better understanding
String anId = "71000003015" ;
String client= "ups" ;
searchTerms.add(new SearchTerm("ir_classname", irClassNames.get(classObject)));
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
if (classObject.equals("commoditycodes")) {
searchTerms.add(new SearchTerm("HierarchyPath", name));
else {
searchTerms.add(new SearchTerm("Name", name));
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(uniqueName)) {
searchTerms.add(new SearchTerm("UniqueName", uniqueName));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
archesURL + searchOptions + "&adapter=" + MDSAdapterId + "&tenant=" + anId + "." + client + "&q=" + "(");
for (SearchTerm st : searchTerms) {
if (rows > 0) {
sb.append("&rows=" + rows);
// Get only the fields specified by "field" query parameter
// else get every fields for the object
JSONArray arr = getJSONArrayFromResponse(sendGet(sb.toString()));
return arr.toString();
does the request... More than the code you already exposed :-). The approach depends on which component need to be mocked. An that component is somewhere inside that method and its call stack.