void Animation::playAnimation() const
    static const int index = 0;
    const std::string& animationFileName = 
    static const int zOrder = -1;
    static bool isLooping = false;


Is there any benefit to to define constant local variables as static? Or it is unnecessary and even bad practice.


3 Answers 3


Beyond @Christophe's very good answer, the code generated for the static is most likely worse than the one for the local variable, so if you're interested the under-the-hood benefit, statics are worse on modern processors.

The reason is that the statics must be located somewhere in memory that can be found by all the other threads and by all the other invocations. This basically means putting them in global memory.

Over the years, processors & compilers together have significantly optimized access to local variables due to the popularity of their usage, as compared with other variables, such as globals, statics, and fields. The compiler may choose to store a local variable in a CPU register, and even if it doesn't (so it uses the invocation stack instead) all of the stack is almost certainly in the cache. Accessing the stack is usually a short displacement addressing mode (off the stack pointer register). However, accessing globals or statics usually requires and extended offset or absolute address, so the resulting instructions doing so are longer than their equivalent for stack memory access.

All that being said, due to the combination of static and const the compiler may detect that it can substitute the constant value at the point of usage, so perhaps use of const mitigates the above. Still, your snippet shows at least one non-const statics, so perhaps the discussion is topical.

  • 7
    Are you sure static constants have to be put into memory?
    – MikeMB
    Jun 23, 2017 at 20:34

It is not a question of benefits, but a question of semantics:

  • A static variable in a function (even a member function), means that the variable is shared between all the calls of that function. So one call of that function has a side effect on the subsequent calls.

  • A non static variable is unique to each execution of the function.

So, unless it is required for some specific and well justified reason, keep local variables non static.

Additional remark: The static variable is also shared accross different threads. So calling this function from more than one thread at a time might result in race conditions and UB (even if called for different objects).

  • 4
    Starting from C++11, the standard defines const static variables thread safe. Non-const, static variables on the other hand, are not.
    – Teimpz
    Jun 9, 2017 at 21:34
  • 8
    This is about constants. They can't change their value, so there is no meaningful semantical difference between constants that are shared between multiple function calls and local ones.
    – MikeMB
    Jun 23, 2017 at 20:31
  • The only difference is if the initialization has side effects.
    – MikeMB
    Jun 23, 2017 at 20:33
  • 1
    @MikeMB Indeed, my answer was general. If it's a const, the optimizer will propagate it anyway, whether it's static or not. But there's still a subtle difference: as you pointed out, the object initializer could use some side effets, so that choosing static or not could distort the expected behavior. For all these reasons, I'd still strongly suggest to use static if and only if the const is really something that is intrinsically linked to the class. Show the intent in the code and let the optimizer do its job.
    – Christophe
    Jun 23, 2017 at 21:12
  • So semantically, it doesn't make a difference if the variable is a constant and its address is not taken. The rest of the question is: which one should you use?
    – user253751
    Nov 22, 2019 at 13:54

A local variable is initialized or constructed every time the function is called. Local variables are stored on the stack and therefore are generally thread safe.

A static local variable is initialized or constructed only once; the first time the function is called. Local static variables are not stored on the stack and therefore are generally not thread safe.

A const local variable is a variable that does not change and is initialized or constructed every time the function is called. Local const variables are stored on the stack and therefore are generally thread safe.

A static const local variable is a variable that does not change and is initialized or constructed only once; the first time the function is called. Local static const variables are not stored on the stack and therefore are generally not thread safe.

Compilers may be able to optimize const variables into a compile time constant.

Compilers may be able to optimize non-static variables by by keeping them in registers rather than on the stack.

  • Why would local static const variables not be thread safe? Their value is constant even if their value is located on the hep. Jun 9, 2017 at 6:14
  • @unifiedmodelingsandwich: What if two threads make the first call to the function at the same time? Then both threads would try to initialize that static const variable. Jun 9, 2017 at 7:01
  • Not in C++11 they wouldn't. Dynamic initialization of function-local statics is thread-safe. Jun 9, 2017 at 7:46
  • @BartvanIngenSchenau Since C++11, static local variable initialisation is thread-safe. The A is still correct in saying that it is not in general thread safe, but it would be more accurate to say that this is only the case prior to C++11. Jun 9, 2017 at 7:52
  • 1
    @unifiedmodelingsandwich: Thanks for the info. I am mostly stuck on C++03 :-( Jun 9, 2017 at 8:09

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