Doctor is end user of this application Doctor opens desktop application on his pc which is not developed by us. We provide interface to desktop application via interop dll's. Desktop application call interface and through it they call our integration exe which includes some services which sits on doctors pc. This integration exe further creates session id, validates certificate on doctors pc with our database and at last it open browser with our webapplication created in angularjs.
Now i will explain what issues we face due to this..
previously this was working because webapplication was in http and so was wcf service aka localhost service in http. Client told we cannot host webapplication in http and we had to use https. But https webapplication cannot talk to local service hosted in http , so we had to change to use https for communicating with localhost services. So we had to introduce self signed certificates. This was also working ok till last month when chrome came with policy that it will not allow localhost certificate and suddenly on browser we get error about accepting certifcate.
what does localhost service do?
a. Get access token by passing the session Id to login the application from desktop application .
b. Pass XML message to desktop application to Sign
c. Get Available Printers in the network.
d. Intimate browser close event to desktop application to close the session.
What we need to do now
Find a way to totally avoid localhost service so we need to change architecture or first come up with approach