I have some Scala code that I wish to unit test using ScalaMock:
class CancellationManagerSpec extends FlatSpec with MockFactory {
"Cancelling a shipment" should "check shipment is not already shipped" in {
val manager = mock[CancellationsManager]
(manager.checkStatus _).expects(*, *).returning(true).once()
val request = CancellationRequestedEvent("shipmentNumber")
The test fails:
[info] - should complete a series of tasks in happy case *** FAILED ***
[info] Unexpected call: <mock-6> CancellationsManager.processCancellation(CancellationRequestedEvent(shipmentNumber))
[info] Expected:
[info] inAnyOrder {
[info] <mock-6> CancellationsManager.checkStatus(*, *) once (never called - UNSATISFIED)
[info] }
[info] Actual:
[info] <mock-6> CancellationsManager.processCancellation(CancellationRequestedEvent(shipmentNumber)) (Option.scala:121)
I want to test that when I process a cancellation, certain tasks are done. More generally, there is logic such as this that I would like to test:
class SalesOrderShippedProcess {
def execute(salesOrder: SalesOrder): Unit = {
if (doTask1() && doTask2()) {
def doTask1(): Boolean = ???
def doTask2(): Boolean = ???
def doTask3(): Boolean = ???
def doTask4(): Boolean = ???
def doTask5(): Boolean = ???
Where for some process, I want to check task 3, 4, and 5 are done only if task 1 and 2 is successful, and even if task 3 fails, task 4 and 5 should execute regardless.
What's the best way to test this? Is it failing because I'm calling a method of the mocked object directly? Do I need to move all the task methods to its own class then mock it, which seems a little strange to me just to be able to write a test for it?