Assume that you have the following 3 entities:
- Manual
- Version
- Document
1 Manual has multiple versions and 1 version has multiple Documents.
I want to build a Web API that allows customers to insert their manuals, versions and documents, but what is the best practice?
Do I accept the posted data object in a nested XML/Json structure:
or do I want the customers to add the data entity per entity?
Additionally, how does this work with primary keys and foreign keys between the 2 systems? My database creates a PK per entity and so does my customer's database. Should I store his reference numbers or should he store mine for future updates, deletes and related inserts?
Should I store his reference numbers or should he store mine for future updates, deletes and related inserts?
-- That depends on whether you need to access his database, or he needs to access yours, or both.