I started a new job working on an application I'm vaguely familiar with, and it's in Perl! I come from a PHP and Java background, so while I understand the basics, there are lot of nuances in Perl that make it troublesome.
I'm supposed to be a UI developer, but the smallness of the office requires me to learn and do a lot more than just javascript. So that was slightly unexpected in some aspects and I'm just thinking about what approach to take with this
So far I've been sifting through the code to understand what each part does, printed out copies of code and try to lookup APIs I'm not familiar with, and so I dunno how effective this process is -- I feel like it's going to take some time -- and I don't want my new employers to feel like I'm not being productive.
Anyone have some ideas or approaches for this kind of situation?
I read some of the questions about learning new languages, but I'm curious to see if anyone's had experience with this with Perl.