LSP applies to passing an instance of a class into a method, having the method do some stuff with that instance, and often produce some sort of result. This doesn't matter for static classes since in C# you cannot create an instance of a static class.
Even more importantly, static classes are sealed and therefore cannot be inherited. This makes your question moot far as C# goes.
You could say that static classes are always LSP-compliant since you cannot ever produce a subclass that would violate that principle. You could also say that static classes are never LSP-compliant for the same reason.
In Java, static classes are slightly different. You cannot mark a top-level class as "static", so if you want to create a utility class similar to C#'s static classes you have to declare it as
and hide its constructor. Once you do that, though, they behave similarly to C# - you cannot instantiate them or subclass them. You can declare an inner class as
, but that does not mean the same thing as it does in C#: it simply denotes a
nested top-level class.
VB.NET behaves exactly the same way as C# in this case, far as I know.
You didn't mention whether you're interested in the other principles, but I'm going to include them anyway for completeness.
Single responsibility principle: a static class easily follow this principle.
Open/closed principle: since static classes are sealed, they cannot ever follow this principle.
Liskov substitution principle: as above.
Interface segregation principle: doesn't apply to a single class, but splitting one large static class into smaller, more specialized ones could be a step towards following this principle.
Dependency inversion principle: static classes cannot implement interfaces, so any class using it will always depend on whatever implementation exists at the time. Static classes therefore violate this principle.
Since static classes do not satisfy all 5 criteria, they are not SOLID.