I wonder what the technical implementation differences between C# and Scala are and how both solutions compare to the implementation ideas and concerns voiced in the email Peek Past lambda by Brian Goetz, sent to the mailing list of Project Lambda (JSR 335)?
From the email:
We explored the road of "maybe lambdas should just be inner class instances, that would be really simple", but eventually came to the position of "functions are a better direction for the future of the language".
and further:
The lambdas-are-objects view of the world conflicts with this possible future. The lambdas-are-functions view of the world does not, and preserving this flexibility is one of the points in favor of not burdening lambdas with even the appearance of object-ness.
Lambdas-are-functions opens doors. Lambdas-are-objects closes them.
We prefer to see those doors left open.
And some comment from a person on the Reddit thread says:
I actually e-mailed Neal Gafter about this and to my limited understanding of his explaination C# and the current Java design are quite similar in that Delegates are actually objects and not function types. It seems like he believes that Java should learn from the disadvantages of C#'s lambdas and avoid them (much like C# learned from Java's disadvantages and avoided them in the beginning).
Why does the "Lambdas-are-functions" approach enable more opportunities in the future than "Lambdas-are-objects"? Can someone explain what differences exist and how they would influence how code would be written?
Seeing that things in Scala "just work", I keep thinking that I'm missing something about the approaches taken/proposed in C#/Java (8), probably it is related to concerns about backward-compatibility?