The iPhone app i have an idea for deals with processing of the data stored as part of Oracle database at work. It'll be an interface to a dynamic set of data that is updated tens of thousands of time a day. Each time you look, results are likely to be different.
That being said, the company i work for does not have an enterprise appstore, which (as i understand it) means that i would have to publish my app onto the regular appstore with some kind of access key.
Q1. Is this a common practice, given no company specific app store exists?
I wonder if any of the cocoa API allows for east access and synchronization with Oracle databases.
Q2. If you know of one and can point me in the right direction, i'd be very grateful.
Is there anything else i should know when dealing with such a problem? Security is obviously a concern, the data will likely be of absolutely no interest to an outsider, but then again, we do want to be as prudent as we can be.
Please let me know