In different design books that I read, sometimes big emphasis is put on the number of methods that a class must have (considering an OO language, as java or C# for instance). Often the examples reported in those books are very neat and simple, but rarely they cover a "serious" or complex case.
However the range seems to be between 5 and 8.
In a project I developed a class "Note", with its attribuse as properties: Title, Desctiption, CreateDate, etc.
Then some basic methods like: getRelations (if the note is assigned to different documents), getExpiryDate, ect.
However proceeding in the development of the application, more functionalities were required, and, therefore, more methods.
I know that the less methods a class has, the more loosly coupled it is. That is indeed a good advantage in terms of modularity and reusability, plus easier to edit.
By the way if in our context there is no need (or even sense) to create sub-classes and all the needed functions are related to that class, how many methods can we further attach?
I agree that having more than 15 methods, then maybe a little re-design might be required.
But even in that case, if deleting some of the methods or inheritance is not an option, which would be the proper way?