Determinism is essentially a function. Remember from Algebra that a function is a correspondence between a domain and range such that each member of the domain corresponds to exactly one member of the range.
So if f(x) = z, f(x) != y unless y is z. That is a function. Imagine JavaScript:
function Add(A, B) {
return A + B;
var addedNumber = Add(2,3);//returns 5
addedNumber = Add(2,3);//still 5
No matter how many times you call Add(2,3)
it will always return 5. In other words, Add() is a deterministic function.
External factors can make Add behave in a non-deterministic fashion. For example, if you introduce multithreading into the equation. Human input also causes non-determinism.
Now, this is where things get interesting.
“Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.”
Note Von Neumann states, "arithmetical methods of producing [...]". This is not talking about human input, concurrency, sample wind speeds read from a precise instrument or other non-algorithmic ways of producing random input to a deterministic function.
This simply states a function or system of functions is not going to suddenly become non-deterministic. In other words, Add(2,3) will not somehow return 6 or anything other than 5 given the same inputs. That is impossible.
The quoting author takes it a step further.
The best we can hope for are pseudo-random numbers, a stream of numbers that appear as if they were generated randomly.
The context is previously defined to be "on any deterministic device". I could end the argument here. But, what if we change up the context by introducing a new element to the system? A non-deterministic element added as input makes the system a non-deterministic system. Although, by removing the non-deterministic element we are reduced back to a deterministic system. If we can somehow trace or otherwise reproduce the inputs we can reproduce a result. But this entire paragraph is tangetenial to what the author is saying. Remember the context.
One could argue over the meaning of non-determinism. Once again, tangetenial. Remember the context.
So he is correct. On any deterministic device it is impossible for a deterministic system to produce a true random result.