I have an interview coming up soon next week and there's a few things on their list of responsibilties for this software development job (the job position title is vague, it says java developer) that I am worried about:
- Unit test features
- Debug new features
- Provide recommendation on test case design (what is this?)
I am worried because in my past software projects, I have not bothered writing unit tests. I know how to use JUnit to write tests in Eclipse and the process but it's just that I have not much experience writing tests. For example, I rely on data from the web, which varies a lot from each other, and process this data. How can I write test cases for every single type of data? Also, if the data is from a local database, how would I write a test case that checks that data from tables are being read properly?
I've used the debug feature in Eclipse whenever I could, but sometimes, when I am accessing a library which doesn't come ith source code for (e.g. commercial 3rd party Jars), the step into feature would stop. So for most cases, I just System.out.println to discover where the bug is happening. Is there a better method?
How can I practice in the short period of time to be somewhat competent in writing unit test?