Regarding dynamic page loading, one should realize that behind all the "JQuery AJAX Cloud!" magic, only two possible things are happening:
- An element's code is being injected in a div (bad), or
- Content is being loaded in an iframe (better, but it's just not the same...)
Regarding the original question, I only create HTML content via Javascript when I'm creating a web app of some kind that reads XML or JSON data stored on the server, and it gets changed a lot.
It wouldn't make much sense to load static content on a page with Javascript, as there's always the possibility that it won't load right, or the client will have it disabled ("take that pesky ads!"). In addition, it makes it really hard to change HTML content when it's smushed inside an ugly document.write()
or a chain of document.createElement()
So, you are right; either type up the raw HTML, or if dynamic-ish content is necessary, use a server-sided script to output what's necessary. Use Javascript to inject HTML only if the site is meant to work without an Internet connection, or a similar case.
One last note, if you do want to implement xmlhttprequests, er, AJAX, into a website, probably the best/safest way to do it is to store the data in a data format (like XML), load it, and output it accordingly on the client. document.write
and element.innerHTML
really isn't the best way to go about manipulating content, and is bound to cause potential headaches in the future (why isn't this script running? My broken <i>
tag is italicizing everything! etc.).