I work for a company for which the domain is really difficult to understand because it is high technology in electronics, but this is applicable to any software development in a complex domain.
The application that I work on displays a lot of information, charts, and metrics which are difficult to understand without experience in the domain. The developer uses a specification to describe what the software must do, such as specifying that a particular chart must display this kind of metrics and this metric is the following arithmetic formula.
This way, the developer doesn't really understand the business and what/why he is doing this task. This can be OK if specification is really detailed but when it isn't or when the author has forgotten a use case, this is quite hard for the developer to find a solution.
At the other hand, training every developer to all the business aspects can be very long and difficult.
Should we give more importance to detailed specification (but as we know, perfect specification does not exist) or should we train all the developers to understand the business domain?
EDIT: keep in mind in your answer that the company could used external developers and that a formation to all the domain can be about 2 weeks