How would you recommend creating "anchors" in code comments, so that during maintenance, developers can easily cross-reference other code comments.
I realise that software should be intelligently structured and this should mitigate this requirement to some degree, but I have often found myself writing a comment where I would like future developers to take something else into account (not necessarily a direct dependency).
For example, "If you change this mechanism, be sure to review XYZ". I'm thinking of hyper links, wiki-style, where each link has a unique identifier and can have a one-to-many relationship with other links.
Ideally, if someone re-writes some of my code, I would like them to be automatically warned that "something else links here, and you should check it out in case you're changing this" - and I don't mean breaking something as in "something won't compile", but really just an easy-to-follow pointer (or pointers) to somewhere else in a code base that someone (or indeed your past self) felt there was a human-understandable conceptual link, concept or implementation.
I would be surprised if there isn't already a standard in place for this, but searching for "comment", "link", "anchor" understandably yields a proverbial haystack.