I work on several areas related to information visualization, linked data, computer vision and other stuff, so mainly front-end. I am not really happy with the fact that visualizations take lots of iterations and lots of time from first prototype to production ready code. So here is the question: what can I do to improve that?
Sometimes we do a prototype in few hours, add something, do another prototype, rewrite it to use jQuery instead of Prototype because it's a better fit and so on and so forth, but almost all visualizations go trough 15-20 iterations (sometimes taking up to few months of development time - the code will also go from the 300 lines of the initial prototype to 2000 or 3000 lines due to evolving requirements and iterations). Since I am working at multiple projects, from my point of view the fact that sometimes it can take months is not a problem, just that I am not really happy, as I could do 40 visualizations per year instead of 15 for example, if I would only be able to improve this process by reducing the number of iterations or by any other means.