Use DVCS to edit history
If you are concerned about a clean commit history, consider doing your main work in feature branches. If you happen to work with a distributed VCS, you can easily edit your commit history before pushing it to the main branch. If you are on SVN, try Git -- it can interact bidirectionally with Subversion, and you can also edit history before actually committing to Subversion.
Keep common sense otherwise
If you don't want to or cannot edit commit history, there is no functional reason to do an early or an atomic commit for a minor typo that does not affect automatic tests or compilation. In this cases, in my opinion, keeping the commit history clean should be more important than doing really atomic commits. Mixing one or two typo corrections with a "regular" modification won't harm any potential review process. You might however want to group several trivial corrections into one commit, perhaps when "cleaning up" after a bigger coding session.
Note that functional bugs still should be committed ASAP in an atomic commit.
The general tone of the answers here seems to suggest a "commit everything fast" strategy even for minor typos. I tend to disagree and welcome discussion.