A good example of someone who fits that description might be a project manager.
I was asked by my boss the other day, "what this Github thing is and why it's important?" He has some proprietary projects so he would need private hosting and I found myself struggling to explain beyond the usual: VCSs make collaboration trivial, provide a history and "backup" of all your data, and allow you to record atomic changes in a code base. In my mind I was thinking, "it's almost as if you have to use a DRVS to really understand how beneficial it is".
I ended up pointing him to BitBucket because they give you unlimited private repositories (I even had to explain what a repository was).
Does anyone have ay really good concrete examples of how a VCS has saved their ass or made life easier, etc -- basically, how would you sell a DVSC to someone who's not unfamiliar with programming, but not a programmer by profession?