I am tasked with building a piece of software that interfaces with a MySQL database, in order to allow the user to pick songs to play and que using a touch screen, and then they are shown simultaneously on a second monitor as videos.
To allow both displays to work, would it be best to write two pieces of software (one for each display or just the one)
I have never written code for a touch screen (other than mobile development, are there certain libraries to use, how would one go about it)
I plan to use VLC to play the videos, is there a language that would be best for that
In order to create a truly stunning GUI should I use a specific language
If I know all the dimensions, should I worry about fluid layouts?
Sorry for the many questions, its this is my first solo commercial piece of software so I am looking to get a solid game plan.
Also I was sure if this was best suited to SO or here, so please correct me if I was wrong.
The languages I was considering were: C#, JAVA, python.