I'm looking for experiences regarding the ordering of the subject and modifiers in variable names.
A simple object Shape
would have just a subject for the variable name, such as Area
A slightly more complex case Sphere
which has a wall will have an inner volume
and an outer volume
, which is where my question comes into play.
What's preferred between Modifier-Subject or Subject-Modifier?
As an example set:
class Containers_Modifier_Subject { AreaAdjustmentFactor WallThickness Height Length Width AdjustedArea SurfaceAreaInner SurfaceAreaOuter LongWallArea ShortWallArea TopArea InnerVolume OuterVolume } class Containers_Subject_Modifier { AreaAdjustmentFactor WallThickness Height Length Width AreaAdjusted AreaInnerSurface AreaOuterSurface AreaLongWall AreaShortWall AreaTop VolumeInner VolumeOuter }
The trigger for my question comes from an object that is similar to the examples. There were enough variables in the object that only a portion displays in the code ahead / lookup window from the IDE. I want to make sure that any future developer is quickly led to the correct variable that they'll be looking for without having to scroll up and down through the lookup window.
In my case, I was looking for the total area, but the area factor and adjusted area values had popped up first.
Consistency in naming as a code standard is a given.
Which naming approach has been:
- most maintainable?
- more easily understood?
- semantically correct?
- i.e. how well does the variable name match the business object and how well does the variable name flow into conversations about the problem being solved?
- conducive to being used with code lookup functionality like Intellisense or the various Eclipse based constructs?