I have a following method to find index of a book object which have a book name:

+(NSInteger)indexXXX:(NSString *)bookName XXX:(NSArray *)books
  for (NSInteger i = 0; i < books.count; i++) {
    NSDictionary *book = [books objectAtIndex:i];
    if ([[book objectForKey:@"bookName"] isEqualToString:bookName]) {
      return i;
  return -1;

But I don't know what name should I use for this method.
Could you tell me some method names commonly used for this kind of method.

1 Answer 1


Usually we just name methods after what they do, so something like indexOfObjectWithName: inArray: would work.

To carry on past answering this question, the method can be made much simpler:

    NSArray *names = [books valueForKey: @"bookName"];
    return [names indexOfObject: bookName];

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