I never considered myself a "programmer" until I started making money doing it professionally.
I've made quite a bit of money creating systems which made clients even more money. Whether or not I am a "good" developer is subjective.
I can GSD (Get Something Done) rapidly, which for web development has usually pleased my clients. They may not see some ugly code behind the scenes, lack of comments, etc.
I hadn't used Git and didn't have a Github profile until this year, which I feel is way "behind the times" in terms of modern programmer standards. I've also just started doing Rails and Django projects after only having done PHP, Flash and iOS in the past. I've since landed contracts developing sites in both for clients and for me, it's not been too painful to learn something new at all at 30 years of age and a few years out of programming.
Too much in modern day society focuses on keeping up with the Jones' and caring what other people think. If you can break off those shackles and consider what you need for your software development (speed/time to market, optimized resource management, well documented code, scalability, etc), then that may matter a lot more than whether someone knows Mercurial, SVN, Git or any other version control systems.
I prefer to ask developer candidates what they are passionate about, what is the coolest system they have ever made in their own opinion and what they spend their free time developing their skills in. If people don't advance their skills in their own time, that scares me more than other things, but doesn't mean it has to scare you.
I think you have some great answers to this question already from the people here and that should help you make your own informed decision based on your requirements.