I've checked many websites to be inspired about what the look and feel of a serious enterprise web-application should look like. But the whole I saw were designed for being used by single users and not serious corporate users. The designs I saw were mostly happy-colored, and looked like being developed by a small team of eager young passionate developers.

But what I'm looking for, are showcases of serious web apps' designs (e.g. web apps developed by large corporations) that are developed for being used by a large number of corporate uses.

Can you suggest me sources for this kind of inspiration?

  • 1
    look at the ExtJS examples, sencha.com/products/extjs/examples - that's how serious web apps might look like.
    – user281377
    Nov 29, 2012 at 20:02
  • 2
    inspiration for what large companies do... go to any governmental office and look at the clerks screen, note the '98 access appearance (or worse, blue screen).. large corporations are not a place to get inspiration from for just about anything other than how to structure a bureaucracy. Nov 29, 2012 at 20:16
  • So you don't know any web page that showcases enterprise web app designs?
    – Farshid
    Nov 29, 2012 at 20:18
  • Did you look at the ExtJS examples? Nov 29, 2012 at 21:12
  • 1
    Telerik has examples on their website. What does "sth" mean? Are you really trying to say 5th? Or are you trying to say something else? Nov 29, 2012 at 22:50

3 Answers 3


If you want to see what corporate look and feel that's been designed by a committee and tweaked over a number of years, I can think of no better example than Microsoft's online version of Outlook.

Failing that, take a look at Salesforce.com or QuickBooks Online.

Use TMN's advice to see these if you don't have access.

These are all example of well-designed, but very boring and to the point interfaces, which is what you seem to be after.


Go to Google image search and enter "${product} screenshots" where "${product}" is something like "peoplesoft" or "sap financials" or "baan". Not sure how inspiring they'll be (enterprise-class systems are rarely sexy) but they'll be real-world examples.

  • I've do this before but when a web page showcases some, it usually means that there have been some notable points to ponder about that web app. Otherwise I've checked many of web apps that are developed by large corporations before.
    – Farshid
    Nov 29, 2012 at 20:20

I don't know if I'd use the phrase "serious web apps" to describe the typical enterprise app - most consumer facing apps/sites these days are built to be more scalable than the typical multi-tier "enterprise" app. Different apps, different challenges.

That being said, an enterprise application is usually less focused around messaging/content (etc.) and more focused on the ability to view and/or manipulate data. It's usually the ability to view and manipulate data that good enterprise design allows users to do.

A good example (and possibly a solution for you) in terms of enterprise design is Oracle's "Application Development Framework" (ADF), specifically the "ADF Rich Faces" components.

(There's a version you can freely experiment with here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/adf/overview/adfessentials-1719844.html You might also want to grab a copy of JDeveloper for simple exploration.)

Compare the design of the data-driven components (tables, components designed for data display) versus the design of other JSF libraries like PrimeFaces; while both can be comparable, the ADF Rich Faces libraries are designed with mass data views and manipulations in mind.

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