In class I am learning about value iteration and markov decision problems, we are doing through the UC Berkley pac-man project, so I am trying to write the value iterator for it and as I understand it, value iteration is that for each iteration you are visiting every state, and then tracking to a terminal state to get its value.

I have a feeling I am not right, because when I try that in python I get a recursive depth exceed. So I return to the pseudo-code, and there is a Vk[s] and Vk-1[s'], which I had thought to mean value of state, and value of newState, but I must be missing something.

So what is the significance of the k and k-1?

My Code:

 def val(i, state):
        if mdp.isTerminal(state) or i == 0:
            return 0.0
        actionCost = {}
        for action in mdp.getPossibleActions(state):
            actionCost[action] = 0
            for (nextState, probability) in mdp.getTransitionStatesAndProbs(state, action):
                reward = mdp.getReward(state, action, nextState)
                actionCost[action] += probability * reward + discount * val(i - 1, nextState)        
        return actionCost[max(actionCost, key=actionCost.get)]

    for i in range(iterations):
        for state in mdp.getStates():  
            self.values[state] = val(i, state)

Pseudo Code:

k ←0 
      k ←k+1 
      for each state s do 
          Vk[s] = maxa ∑s' P(s'|s,a) (R(s,a,s')+ γVk-1[s']) 
until ∀s |Vk[s]-Vk-1[s]| < θ
  • You can extend the recursion depth in python docs.python.org/2/library/sys.html#sys.setrecursionlimit to see if it helps.
    – SlimJim
    Commented Mar 17, 2013 at 14:44
  • Vk(s) is the expected value (could be seen as a potential) of state s if you look down k steps with an optimal policy
    – SlimJim
    Commented Mar 17, 2013 at 15:12
  • Your could will lookdown one step further until it converges below theta
    – SlimJim
    Commented Mar 17, 2013 at 15:13
  • I don't see any problems with the pseudo code so perhaps you can include more? What happens if you increase theta? Whats the printout for max(Vk[s] for s in states) foreach iteration? (does it iterate over k atleast ones?) What is the stop condition for the recursion (V0)
    – SlimJim
    Commented Mar 17, 2013 at 15:17
  • There is no error in the pseudo code, it's that I don't understand all of it. I dont know what theta is, though I imagine it is floating around somewhere in the code given to the class. I've included my code so you can see how I did it. My while loop doesn't track any theta, it stops when the k is up. Commented Mar 17, 2013 at 19:34

1 Answer 1


Vk and Vk-1 are different iterations of the approximation of V. You could rewrite the pseudo code as:

V ← 0
V' ← 0
while true
  for each state s do
      V ← V'
      V = maxa ∑s' [ P(s'|s,a) R(s,a,s')+ γV'[s'] ]
  if ∀s |V[s]-V'[s]| < θ
      return V

Note that the pseudo-code is not recursive. This is the idea of value-iteration/dyanmic-programming which make it efficient :

  • Compute the optimal value function for 0 time step: V0=0
  • then compute the optimal value function for 1 time step: V1=H(V0)
  • then compute the optimal value function for 2 time steps: V2=H(V1)
  • then compute the optimal value function for 3 time steps: V3=H(V2)
  • ...
  • then compute the optimal value function for n time steps: Vn=H(Vn-1)

with H defined as:

 H(V) = max_a ( Pa [ Ra + γ V ] )

Your code is recursive (val calls val) which triggers some stack overflow error. Value iteration is not recursive but iterative. Your 'eval' function make this:

actionCost[action] += probability * reward + discount * val(i - 1, nextState)

which recomputes recursively a values that you have already computed at the previous iteration (k-1). val(i - 1, nextState) is in fact:


(assuming you keep a copy of previousValue).

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