
In computer science, separation of concerns (SoC) is the process of breaking a computer program into distinct features that overlap in functionality as little as possible. A concern is any piece of interest or focus in a program. Typically, concerns are synonymous with features or behaviors. Progress towards SoC is traditionally achieved through modularity and encapsulation, with the help of information hiding.

From Pro Asp.Net MVC 4 book ( page 375 ):

The problem with relying on route names to generate outgoing URLs ( @Html.RouteLink("Click me", "MyOtherRoute","Index", "Customer") is that doing so breaks through the separation of concerns that is so central to the MVC design pattern. When generating a link or a URL in a view or action method, we want to focus on the action and controller that the user will be directed to, not the format of the URL that will be used. By bringing knowledge of the different routes into the views or controllers, we are creating dependencies that we would prefer to avoid.

a) I understand that we create a dependency ( between action method/view and a routing configuration module ) by having Html.RouteLink ( called within action method or view ) specifying the name of the route we want to use.

But is introducing such a dependency already considered a violation of SoC? Namely, even though we created a dependency between the two modules, we haven't actually introduced any additional functionality/concern into either of the modules ( the definition of SoC implies that violation of SoC occurs when new functionality/concern is introduced into a module )

b) Anyhow, I don't understand how will simply generating an URL ( within action method/view ) by specifying a named route bring focus to the format of the URL?

Thank you

2 Answers 2


I think what the Pro ASP.NET MVC book means is that, by referring to a route by name you have now created a dependency on a particular route definition, rather than relying strictly on the action and controller that will be called.

The route is what determines the shape of the URL. If you create a link by using a route name, you are literally saying "I want the URL to be this shape," rather than saying "I want the URL to invoke this functionality" and letting the route engine decide which route is most appropriate.

Whether or not this makes sense in your particular application ultimately depends on your needs. Using a named route creates a level of indirection which allows you to change both the shape of the URL, and the controller/method that gets called, by merely changing the entry in the route table.

As to the coupling aspect, using a named route does tightly-couple the links to that specific route because no other route would be eligible, and because it requires the view to have knowledge of that specific route. Whether that is a problem or not, again, depends on your needs. If that coupling is a desirable feature, it doesn't really matter whether it is "tight" or not according to someone else's opinion.

  • Makes sense. Can you also comment on my question in a)?
    – user702769
    Mar 26, 2013 at 3:11
  • 1
    Calling routes by name introduces an additional concern. Consider what happens if you delete the named route. If you have links that depend on that route name, you have now broken them, but if your links are based on controllers and methods, deleting the route will not break anything, provided there is another route that can handle the request (perhaps the default route). Mar 26, 2013 at 19:53
  • 1
    One way of reducing coupling is by using AOP (you can Google it). How does it work? By injecting itself into method calls, or by decorating method calls with some sort of annotation, for logging or other purposes. We call these "cross-cutting concerns" because they can apply to a wide variety of methods. Are the methods themselves "concerned" by these injections or annotations? Not at all. Are they even aware of the AOP calls? Nope. Calling routes by name means that the View now "knows" about the route; it has become a "concern" of the view. Mar 26, 2013 at 20:41
  • 1
    As you have already figured out, there is no such thing as zero coupling. Data still has a shape; without that shape, it is just meaningless bits. In the case of your interface example, one module may know about the interface, and the other module may know about the interface, but the two modules do not know about each other, and if the two modules only speak to each other through the interface, you could swap out one module (as long as it implements the same interface), and the other module would never know the difference. Mar 26, 2013 at 21:09
  • 1
    There has to be some awareness. No awareness, no communication. No communication, no program. It becomes a "concern" when one module must know details about the inner workings of another module in order to communicate with it properly. Interfaces achieve low coupling because they hide the inner workings of one module from the other modules. Mar 26, 2013 at 21:36

It doesn't violate the SOC principle; the author is wrong.

Named routes typically encapsulate the controller and the action as well as URL, which frees the view from having to know them. Used this way they actually promote separation of concerns as the view is freed from knowing the name of the controller and action.

Here is an example:

routes.MapRoute(name: "SignUpPromotion", 
                url: "some/url", 
                new { controller = "SignUp", action= "Promotion" });

By using Html.RouteLink("SignUpPromotion"), I've freed the view from having to know the names of the controller and the action. I could rename the action or even move it to a new controller without affecting the view or changing the URL.

  • 1
    I'm not saying this is worth the effort, but I disagree with what the author is saying.
    – hwiechers
    Apr 10, 2013 at 7:36
  • Also, I've read this book. It's good.
    – hwiechers
    Apr 10, 2013 at 7:36

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