I am working on a tool (Python, may or may not be important) that will allow a user to maintain a configuration file containing arbitrary shell and/or language code to be executed on particular events and intervals. The code will potentially involve multiple statements.
I understand there are potential behavioral and security risks associated with executing arbitrary code from a file, but I don't think this is a concern because the configuration file is managed only by the end user. However, let me know if I'm overlooking something major.
My main question: what is the best way to store this code in a configurable way?
Some concepts I'm considering to store the code...
In a shared config file (which many Python libraries already look for):
# setup.cfg
command_1 = cd /tmp && touch foobar
In a YAML file:
# my_program.yaml
command_1: cd /tmp && touch foobar
In a source file as arguments to subprocess.call()
# settings.py
command_1 = [['cd', '/tmp'], ['touch', 'foobar']] # requires special handling of 'cd'
In a source file as a function:
# settings.py
import os
import subprocess
def command_1():
subprocess.call(['touch', 'foobar'])