I have a question to somebody who is expert about "GNU General Public License version 2.0" license.
I am making program and my code is using another program ("HoboCopy") inside which have this one license. I downloaded just a .exe of this one program and I am wondering if its ok with license if my boss will sell program which I made without code of course, he wants to sell it like a normal program, just .exe to use.
I checked out for question like that, and no matches. Sorry I know that in a big licence documentary is probably wroten answer for my question, but forgive me, that I dont want to read it all, maybe somebody already know it and can tell me or eventually tell me the exactly piece of licence documentary where I can found answer for my question.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: After published my post I read this one: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11057715/gnu-general-public-license-as-part-of-commercial-product?rq=1. Looks like I got answer that he can sell it. And I dont have to give my source, and HoboCopy source (even I dont have it).
Just maybe somebody can make me sure.