At my company we have some vendors that we transfer data to and from. Sometimes the data is pulled into our local SQL database for business reporting. Other times we pull data from one vendor, transform it, and then transfer it to another vendor's FTP server.
The guy I replaced has a couple of generic SFTP Push/Pull console applications that transfer data to/from these vendors. Then he has other applications that do the data imports to the SQL database or transforms the data and leaves it out in a directory to be pushed to the vendor.
Every once in a while we will have problems with these processes not finding the file needed and I have to go back and run these manually to load the data. It seems to me that it would be more reliable if these processes just did their own FTP push/pull functions so we don't run into scheduling problems. Are there any standard practices that I can implement that would be more reliable or do I need to just tweak what I have now? I'm in a Windows/.NET environment by the way.