I am working on an application which have multiple layers. Data access layer to retrieve and save data from data source, business logic to manipulate data, user interface to show the data on screen.
I also doing unit testing of the business logic layer. The only requirement is to test the flow of business layer logic. So I use Moq framework to mock the data access layer and unit test the business logic layer with MS Unit.
I am using interface programming to make the design decouple as much as possible so that unit test can be done. Business layer call data access layer through interface.
I am facing a problem when I am trying to test one of the business logic method. That method does some work and create an object and pass it to data access layer. When I am trying to mock that data access layer method then it can not successfully mock.
Here I am trying to create a demo code to show my problem.
public class Employee
public string Name { get; set; }
Data access layer:
public interface IDal
string GetMessage(Employee emp);
public class Dal : IDal
public string GetMessage(Employee emp)
// Doing some data source access work...
return string.Format("Hello {0}", emp.Name);
Business logic layer:
public interface IBll
string GetMessage();
public class Bll : IBll
private readonly IDal _dal;
public Bll(IDal dal)
_dal = dal;
public string GetMessage()
// Object creating inside business logic method.
Employee emp = new Employee();
string msg = _dal.GetMessage(emp);
return msg;
Unit test:
public void Is_GetMessage_Return_Proper_Result()
// Arrange.
Employee emp = new Employee; // New object.
Mock<IDal> mockDal = new Mock<IDal>();
mockDal.Setup(d => d.GetMessage(emp)).Returns("Hello " + emp.Name);
IBll bll = new Bll(mockDal.Object);
// Act.
// This will create another employee object inside the
// business logic method, which is different from the
// object which I have sent at the time of mocking.
string msg = bll.GetMessage();
// Assert.
Assert.AreEqual("Hello arnab", msg);
In unit test case at the time of mocking I am sending an Employee object but when invoking the business logic method, it is creating different Employee object inside the method. That is why I can not mock the object.
In that case how to design so that I can solve the problem?