I have been programming for several years now, and back then (learning PHP) I've didn't learn to program using classes, MVC-logic or using any frameworks. I found my self solving my problems very well using my own functions.
Eight months ago I was recruited to a start-up, to develop a huge social platform. I have been working there for several months now, and built up a huge website with various complicated features (+35k lines of code I guess), and I could see my self continue like this. Everything is coded without any framework, no classes or with MVC-logic, since I didn't have the time to learn it (we had to move fast).
I do write everything in functions, and put a lot of effort in well documenting/describing my code as well as organizing it beautifully and easy-to-read.
However, it is top of my list to learn Classes > MVC > Laravel (or any other) framework. But I just can't see my self stopping now, learning above list, and then rewrite all code. This would simply push us back in time, and in the start-up we're moving fast and have many deadlines for new features/ideas/development.
I've spoken with many people regarding this, and people say a lot of different things. Some say it's a matter of taste, and you'll be able to move on with it. Others say it's incredibly stupid, you're not scaleable, you're never get serious funding, you're the only one who ever be able to work on the project, you should stop and start learning it now, etc.
Am I doomed? I feel lost. My personal opinion on this is, that even though it is a huge system already, it is still a MVP and I guess at some point in the future we would rewrite the code anyways. This is, if we're at such a successful stage in our venture and growing very fast / getting funding / etc.