Here are some cases and examples of ways to describe and classify them so they might be analyzed as a whole.
- A < B < C - This is a distinct ordered set
- A = B < C - This is an indistinct ordered set
- A > B < C - This is an unordered set
- A < B = C - This is an indistinct ordered set
- A = B = C - This is an indistinct ordered set
- A > B = C - This is an indistinct ordered set
- A < B > C - This is an unordered set
- A = B > C - This is an indistinct ordered set
- A > B > C - This is a distinct ordered set
Grab whatever other terminological definitions you can think of for sets and lay them over those 9 cases and you may find more identifiable groupings than what I found using just 2 filters (distinctness and orderliness).
I'm sure the math lexicon is brimming with terms you could put on these for describing sets.
From Set theory on Wikipedia (emphasis mine):
Equivalence and order relations are ubiquitous in mathematics, and the theory of mathematical relations can be described in set theory.
Considering the area you're looking at, like I said there's a lot in math for you to find here. Here's a few things I would further suggest you read up on to give yourself some terminology and prior precedent to work from:
Transitive relationship:
For example, "is greater than," "is at least as great as," and "is equal to" (equality) are transitive relations:
whenever A > B and B > C, then also A > C
whenever A ≥ B and B ≥ C, then also A ≥ C
whenever A = B and B = C, then also A = C.
Commutative Property (in relation to your greaterthan/lessthan/equality operations, commutativity can help you derive transitivity):
The term "commutative" is used in several related senses.[7][8]
A binary operation * on a set S is called commutative if:
x * y = y * x\qquad\mbox{for all }x,y\in S
Associative Property (in relation to your operations, associativity can help you derive transitivity as well):
Within an expression containing two or more occurrences in a row of the same associative operator, the order in which the operations are performed does not matter as long as the sequence of the operands is not changed. That is, rearranging the parentheses in such an expression will not change its value. Consider, for instance, the following equations:
(5 + 2) + 1 = 5 + (2 + 1)=8
5 x (5 x 3) = (5 x 5) x 3=75