I am trying to determine an objective way for a self-interested agent to calculate the optimal buying/selling price for goods in a multi-agent simulation not dissimilar to Sugarscape (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugarscape). The simulation is as follows:
Each agent has a stock of food F, a stock of money G, a certain amount of "energy", E, and a position (x, y) on a square grid. Moving from one square to a neighboring square expends A units of energy, and energy is naturally expended at a rate of B units per simulation day. An agent has the following options available to it during each day: consume a unit of food to increase its energy by Q units; move to another location (provided it has sufficient energy), "forage" for food (expend P units of energy to obtain a [possibly unknown] quantity of food), or trade with a neighboring agent for a mutually-agreeable price.
Each agent's goal is to maximize its "utility function" U(E, F, G) without regard for that of other agents.
Right away, this seems to give a base "use value" of food: Vuse = U(E + Q, F - 1, G) - U(E, F, G), but if this was the whole story, this wouldn't be an interesting problem.
It seems the most general (but exponential-time) solution would look something like this:
Function SearchActions(State S):
Add(consume food) to action set
Add(forage for food) to action set
For each other agent A
For each possible trading price P
Add(trade with A at price P) to action set
For each action X in action set
S' = Apply X to S
Return optimal X
End function
However, the major difficulty gets swept under the rug by "for each possible price", because the price that agent A will buy/sell for is itself dependent on an identical calculation...e.g.
My calculation of the value depends on either what I can get from using it myself, or what someone else will pay for it...but what they will pay for it depends on what I will pay for it.
How do you cut this knot?
I know this problem has been solved before...but I cannot find any references to it, let alone any actual implementations. The closest I've come has been a paper about "Strategic Planning" in SugarScape, but it only seems to give the results of the planning, rather than explaining how the planning is done.