I got into a debate on this question which distilled to if it is a good idea for a specialization of a class to add business rules. Unfortunately this point got trampled in the comments so I'm asking it again as a separate question.

I believe two things:

  • An object is responsible for its internal consistency
  • A specialization/child class has more specific rules than the super class which can be seen as the general case.

The logical result of this is that a specialization might only accept some values of input for its method or might change some values in order to stay consistent. But isn't that OK, since guarding its internal consistency is what an object should do?

A point many people were making is that some code could break if it would make assumptions. For example that setting the width would not change the height of a square. However wouldn't that be bad code? Since you make assumptions on how the object does something instead of just telling it what to do and not worry about it?

If we would not write code like that almost all overloading would have problems. How often doesn't overloading add an extra fail condition or more internal logic that might be seen via other parts of the interface? Maybe the point an old professor of me once made is correct: "you should only ever use inheritance to overload the constructor". At the time that seemed a bit strict but now it seems like the only way to guarantee these kinds of problem never happening. To use the old square: rectangle analogy again:

public class Rectangle
    private int width, height;

    public Rectangle(int width, int height){this.width = width; this.height = height;}

    public void SetWidth... SetHeight...

public class Square : Rectangle
    public Square(int diameter) : base(diameter, diameter) {}

    public void SetDiameter...

Note: I hope we can play this question a little bit less 'on the man' than the question that inspired it. I've been on Stack Exchange for more than three years but I was quite intimidated by the type of responses here.

  • "The most remarkable property of the notion of class is that it subsumes these two concepts, merging them into a single linguistic construct. A class is a module, or unit of software decomposition; but it is also a type (or, in cases involving genericity, a type pattern). Much of the power of the object-oriented method derives from this identification. Inheritance, in particular, can only be understood fully if we look at it as providing both module extension and type specialization..." (OOSC §7.3)
    – gnat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 12:49
  • 5
    It might be best if you try to understand this in terms of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle and why that's a very useful property for a subtyping relationship to have. If your subtypes can constrain further than their supertypes, you /cannot/ treat the subtypes in a generic fashion, and you break ad hoc polymorphism. Consider my Nulltangle, which throws exceptions on every operation. I've "specialised" it to the absurd extreme, but now you can't write a method that does anything with rectangle without checking for my Nulltangle first!
    – Phoshi
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 12:53
  • That NullTangle, though a bit extreme, is actually a good point.
    – Roy T.
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 13:05
  • 1
    See also: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/199331/… Commented May 8, 2014 at 13:11
  • @BartvanIngenSchenau that is exactly my question. Unfortunately I don't have the rep yet to vote to close myself. But it will happen soon anyway :). Strange that in 6 years BSc and MSc level IT-courses I had never heard the Liskov substitution principle mentioned :(.
    – Roy T.
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 13:21

4 Answers 4


The trap a lot of people fall into is looking at inheritance as a means to codify any relationship or similarity between two classes. That's not the case. Inheritance is useful for certain limited kinds of relationships and is actually harmful when used outside those contexts. Lack of substitutability is one reason why.

The crucial point a lot of people miss about the square-rectangle example is that it is perfectly substitutable if you reverse the relationship. In object-oriented design, a rectangle is a specialized form of a square. The reason that's hard to see is that people want to organize classes by the similarities between the classes themselves, perhaps following real-world taxonomies, when they should really be concerned with organizing classes by what methods the calling code will need to use on a mixed collection of those classes. That's where the idea of substitutability comes in.

Think of it this way. You have a bunch of code that sets the width of squares and you want to throw some rectangles into the mix. You can set the width on either a square or rectangle all day without violating substitutability, but independently setting the height only applies to the rectangle, so it should not be a part of the base class. You're adding to the specialized class, not changing the common behavior.

In other words, don't make it a false choice and say to yourself, "I have no choice but to violate substitutability." If you can't do something without violating substitutability, then you either need to change your inheritance relationship, or not use inheritance at all.

  • 1
    A properly-designed Square class wouldn't have a width, it would have a single dimension, maybe called side_length. Subclassing a Rectangle from it would mean that anything that takes a Square as an argument would expect to be able to ask for side_length. What would a (derived) Rectangle return for that if its side_length and height were different? Better might be to derive both from an abstract TwoDimensionalFigure that has a width and height. In the case of a Square, either would return side_length; a Rectangle would return the width and height.
    – Blrfl
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 13:58
  • It could make sense to have a Square derive from a MutableRectangularShape class if the contract for that class specifies that SetHeight, SetWidth, and SetDimensions will operate on a "best-effort" basis. A lot of user-interface designers work that way with controls that can only be set to certain sizes (e.g. integer multiples of the text-line height). In some such cases, the useful thing to do is have read-write properties for "requested size" [which should always be independent] and read-only properties for "actual size" [which may or may not match requests].
    – supercat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:28
  • Yes, calling context is paramount. There is no single "proper" way to define a model. That was my entire point, not to get hung up on the real-world taxonomies. The simplest model of a square's size is one-dimensional. Whether it's most beneficial to call that dimension width or side length depends on the context. That's beside the point. The physical representation of its size is two-dimensional. Including position and rotation adds three more dimensions. Adding things like color, pattern, z-index, border width, etc. can add several more dimensions. Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:52
  • Substitutability can be boiled down to the idea that a derived class should only add dimensions, not change or remove them. What dimensions should be in the topmost interface depends on the calling context. Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:53
  • 1
    To add to Karl's point, if you aren't going to maintain substitutability, why are you using inheritance at all? You've just lost the ability to leverage polymorphism; all of the promises provided by inheritance (being able to safely use protected members, virtual functions, etc.) are gone. Anything left (e.g., having a glorified property bag) can be accomplished with composition. See also Uses and Abused of Inheritance - It does a decent job codifying exactly what inheritance gets that composition misses.
    – Brian
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 17:20

A point many people were making is that some code could break if it would make assumptions. For example that setting the width would not change the height of a square. However wouldn't that be bad code? Since you make assumptions on how the object does something instead of just telling it what to do and not worry about it?

I'm allowed to assume the object follows its specifications. If the specification for Rectangles says that the width and height are independently modifiable, then any implementation must conform. (If you don't require conformance, it's impossible to reason about your program.) Now, you could argue that the specification for Rectangles never said that setWidth can't change the height, but if you attempt to list all the things something must not do you'll find that the list is infinite:

  • setWidth musn't reformat my hard drive
  • setWidth musn't delete files in my home folder
  • setWidth musn't make changes to the Windows Registry
  • setWidth musn't change another object's state
  • setWidth musn't go into an infinite loop
  • setWidth musn't post to Twitter on my behalf
  • ...

The only sensible way to specify something is to list the things it must and may do and assume anything not listed is forbidden. So if the spec for setWidth says it changes the rectangle's width, I assume it doesn't change the height.

How often doesn't overloading add an extra fail condition...

Doing this will definitely bring you pain and misery. Any program written according to the specifications is assuming a certain operation can only fail because of A, B, and C. If you introduce a new fail condition D, no one can possibly handle it.

A word to the wise, though - if you need this kind of substitutability, inheritance is probably not what you want. You start with some type Foo and then you realize you want a ShinyFoo. Later you want a TransparentFoo. Eventually you'll want a ShinyTransparentFoo and then you'll be in trouble. You don't run into this sort of problem if you use an interface and rely on composition to reuse behavior.

  • If the contract specifies that the width and height may be set independently, then legitimate subclasses must obey. If the contract includes a HeightAndWidthRelationship property and specifies that classes for which that returns Independent must allow the height to be set without changing width and vice versa, classes for which that returns LockedRatio must have changes to Height affect width and vice versa, LockedHeight should allow width to be changed but not height, etc. then legitimate subclasses should conform to that.
    – supercat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:12
  • While some people might frown at such "loosey-goosey" contracts, they can be useful in cases where one may have a heterogeneous collection of objects with different abilities and wish to allow objects with certain abilities to use them even when other objects in the collection cannot. It may be easier, for example, to have a drawing program use a single collection for all objects regardless of their resizing modes, and have the UI code adjust its behavior slightly as needed, than to have separate classes for FreelyResizableShape, FixedAspectRatioShape, etc.
    – supercat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:18
  • @supercat Re: loosey-goosey contracts, I won't say "never do it", but "it's easier..." is very often the start of a slippery-slope towards hard-to-find bugs, and ends up not being all that easy in the long run. Since you're going to have to deal with their idiosyncrasies either way, you could use an algebraic data type/tagged union to shove different kinds of objects into the same collection and still have a type-safe way of telling what's what.
    – Doval
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:27
  • That's nice in theory, but I don't know of any language or framework whose type system is sufficiently expressive to make it practical. Even if there were only four abilities which objects could independently possess or lack, .NET or Java would require the definition of fifteen interfaces to cope with that. In practice, the number of abilities is greater than four, and thus the required number of interfaces would be vastly higher. Worse, ...
    – supercat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:36
  • ...there are many situations where the abilities of an aggregate will depend upon the abilities of its members, in ways that the type system cannot capture. For example, an object returned from IEnumerable.Append should be addressable by index if and only if both source collections are thus addressable and the first collection promises that its length will never change. Can you think of any reasonable way a type system could support that?
    – supercat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 15:44

Take the classic example for inheritance - Dog : Animal where Dog is a class that inherits from Animal. While Animal can eat, a dog can bark, jump, and swim. So you add these methods to Dog.

It makes sense from a relation point of view. Why should Animal be able to bark? Why shouldn't Dog be able to bark? In fact, nobody is claiming otherwise. You see this type of relation often in code, however, whenever you need to use bark, you simultaneously need to know if it is a Dog. Therefore any usage of bark automatically adds a direct dipendency on Dog any way you slice it. Even if you take an Animal and check if it is a Dog, and then act accordingly, you're no longer acting on the general case of handling Animal. There's nothing stopping you from diong this, though you've lost any advantage you had with inheritance.

In order to truly take advantage of inheritance, you must let inherited classes represent various implementations of the super class. In this way, it isn't enough that a class "is a type of" another class. It must also play the part of the super class with minor exceptions such as during its creation which is the only point in your program that should know the specific implementation being used.

So perhaps a better example wouldn't be Dog : Animal but rather Square : Drawable, where Drawable is an object that can be called to draw itself regardless of how.

  • 2
    "any usage of bark automatically adds a direct dependency on Dog any way you slice it" <- This cat begs to differ.
    – Dason
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 14:24
  • That's too funny. XD
    – Neil
    Commented May 9, 2014 at 7:40

The logical result of this is that a specialization might only accept some values of input for its method or might change some values in order to stay consistent. But isn't that OK, since guarding its internal consistency is what an object should do?

The issue isn't really what the object does internally to implement the message it is asked to perform (eg setWidth). The issue is what the caller understands the end result of the message to be.

Both a setWidth method on a rectangle that only sets width, and a setWidth method on a square that sets both width and height, are perfectly valid so long as it is clear to anyone making the calls what these methods do.

The problem is when you say a square is a rectangle, and then look at the setWidth method of a rectangle. That method puts the object into a particular state. It is understood by all who call the method that it will update the width and only the width.

When you say a square is a rectangle you are saying to anyone working with the square that everything you knew about rectangles still holds when working with squares. And one of the things that the programmer knew about rectangles was that setWidth updated only the width. That is known behaviour.

So the programmer knows what this method does, she knows that square is a rectangle, so she knows that setWidth will only update width.

Except it doesn't only update width, it now updates height as well. The program has just lied to the programmer, it has broken its contract.

This example might seem trivial, but it becomes much more important when you factor in polymorphism.

You might not know what shape you have, you might not know if you have a rectangle or a square. If you know that a square is a rectangle then you know that what ever object you have it will behave the way you expect a rectangle to behave if you apply rectangle behaviour to it.

But of course if it doesn't then you have a serious problem because you now cannot trust your objects to behave the way you expect them to, and thus you cannot trust your code to do what you expect it to do.

Instead what you need to do is break the connection, tell the programmer that a square is NOT a rectangle and that the programmer needs to know if they have a square or not and they need to understand what behaviour a square specifically has because it is not the same as a rectangle.

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