You get consistency in naming.
The real issue is human memory for method names, right? we find it easier to remember names that are commonly used and economy of typing, allowing for shorter method names? fewer different names means (mathematically) that the name itself carries less information.
Below is scenario ::
function Person FindPerson(string nameOfPerson) { ... }
function Person FindPerson(date dateOfBirth) { ... }
function Person FindPerson(int age, string dogsName) { ... }
is preferable to 'uniquely named' functions:
function Person FindPersonByName(string nameOfPerson) { ... }
function Person FindPersonByDOB(date dateOfBirth) { ... }
function Person FindPersonByAgeAndDogsName(int age, string dogsName) { ... }
This way the coder writing a client calling these functions can operate at a higher level of conceptual thinking ("I need to find a person") and doesn't need to remember- the compiler will be left to match the applicable overload.