Given a string of decimal digits, I have to find the number of all substrings divisible by 3 in the range L to R [both inclusive], where L & R are index[1-based] of the specified string
string length <= 100000
I've tried the Naive approach of iterating over all possible substrings & obtaining the answer, but that is not fast enough, especially for multiple pairs L & R.
Then I tried a DP approach. I can obtain all possible substrings divisible by 3 in the whole string, i.e. I'm unable to code the DP solution that gives result for given range.
DP Solution that I tried (not completely sure about It):
for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
for(j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) {
dp[i][j]=0 ;
int curr = (input[i]-'0')%3 ;
dp[i][curr]++ ;
if(i) {
for(j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) {
if(curr % 3 == 0) { dp[i][j] += dp[i-1][j]; }
if(curr % 3 == 1) { dp[i][j] += dp[i-1][(j+2)%3]; }
if(curr % 3 == 2) { dp[i][j] += dp[i-1][(j+1)%3]; }
long long sum = 0;
for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++) { sum += dp[i][0] ; }
Can this solution be modified to give results for given range [L,R] ?
After searching alot, I learnt that range queries problems are solved by Segment Tree, but I'm unsure as how Segment Tree + Lazy Propagation can help in this question.
So what is a performant way to count all substrings divisible by 3 in the range L to R [both inclusive]?
Input: First Line contains the given string. Lines after that contain two integers denoting L and R respectively, where both L and R are index(1-based) of string.
301524 1 2 4 6 3 5
3 1 1
When L=1 & R=2 we get 3 possible substrings,{3}, {0}, {30}
& all these when considered as a decimal number are divisible by 3. Hence the output.
When L=4 & R=6 we get 6 possible substrings,{5} , {52}, {524}, {2}, {24}, {4}
& out of these only{24}
is divisible by 3.
Repetitions in substrings like 3333 count multiple times, so for L=1 to R=4 the answer would be 10, since we have four times 3, three times 33, two times 333 and one time 3333 (all divisible by 3).
are mismatched. Where does thell
part belong? I assume thatll
is along long
, but that isn't defined in the example.O(N)
. Seems not quite a "beginner level" question.