I ran into these lines of code in the QPYTHON Android app. They are part of a sample that uses the Bottle module to create a simple Web server that seems to work fine.

app = Bottle()
app.route('/', method='GET')(home)
app.route('/__exit', method=['GET','HEAD'])(__exit)
app.route('/__ping', method=['GET','HEAD'])(__ping)
app.route('/assets/<filepath:path>', method='GET')(server_static)

Now, I know that all the functions in parentheses after the call have already been wrapped with the @route decorator above this. For example:

def __ping():
    return "ok"

But I have no idea what putting things in parentheses after other things does in Python, and after trying a hundred different permutations of "functions in parentheses after functions" I gave up.

I throw myself on the mercy of the Exchange.

  • It looks like the function route returns another function, and that dynamically selected function is then called with the argument home (for instance). Look up higher-order functions. Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 10:43
  • 3
    "putting things in parentheses after other things" calls the other things - foo(bar, baz) calls foo with the arguments bar and baz, foo(bar)(baz) calls foo with the argument bar and then calls whatever foo returns with the argument baz. In this case, @route is a decorator (i.e. a callable that returns a callable) that takes parameters: stackoverflow.com/questions/5929107/…
    – jonrsharpe
    Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 11:27

2 Answers 2



app.route('/', method='GET')(home)

... Is the same as this:

func = app.route('/', method='GET')

In other words, app.route(...) returns a function, which is then called.

def a():
    def b(arg):
        return arg * 2
    return b


c = a()

You are basically providing an argument for the function within the function, a.k.a inner function

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