- Firstly, this does not suggest that efficiency and quality are in conflict... only that some methods prioritize them differently.
- Secondly, this is not a question of whether you agree with Scrum practice or not.
An expressed goal of Scrum is to create high quality increments of a deliverable product. This does not exclude that it might be done efficiently, but efficiency is not the focus.
Most programmers want to both deliver quality products and be efficient about it. Scrum's requirement to add product backlog items to a sprint backlog from the top of the prioritized list only... will often result in resistance from programmers, such as:
"But it will be more efficient if we add these other two items, from further down the priority list, to this sprint".
Perhaps the prioritization of the product backlog items could have been influenced differently by the Scrum Master, while working with the Product Owner. Such could be addressed in the next product backlog refinement session.
Setting aside such issues, are case-studies (of other teams' effective uses of Scrum) an effective way of swaying reluctant team members? (particularly on the issue of efficiency) Or, is there something better than case-studies?
You can't just go ahead and use Scrum without management having agreed.
--Many companies do try.