How can I enumerate (by expression tree size, for example) all of the primitive recursive functions that map natural numbers to natural numbers in a traditional programming language like C?
For example, in Mathematica, one can express the basic primitive recursive functions as follows:
zero = Function[0];
succ = Function[# + 1];
proj[n_Integer] = Function[Part[{##}, n]];
comp[f_, gs__] = Function[Apply[f, Through[{gs}[##]]]];
prec[f_, g_] =
Function[If[#1 == 0, f[##2], g[#1 - 1, #0[#1 - 1, ##2], ##2]]];
Hence, for example, the primitive recursive expression trees for addition, predecessor, and monus (truncated subtraction) are:
Ideally it should be possible to actually evaluate these primitive recursive functions on the natural numbers, so that one can obtain the outputs of these functions on them.
For example, here are the basic primitive recursive functions implemented in Python:
def zero():
# Takes no arguments
# Returns zero
return 0
def successor(x):
# Takes a natural number
# Returns its successor
return x + 1
def projection(n):
# Takes at least n+1 arguments
# Returns the nth argument
def f(*x):
return x[n]
return f
def composition(g, *h):
# Takes a k-ary function and k m-ary functions
# Returns an m-ary function
def f(*x):
return g(*map(lambda h_: h_(*x), h))
return f
def recursion(g, h):
# Takes a k-ary function and a (k+2)-ary function
# Returns a (k+1)-ary function
def f(n, *x):
if n == 0:
return g(*x)
return h(f(n - 1, *x), n - 1, *x)
return f
Hence we can implement addition, predecessor, and monus (truncated subtraction) as follows:
addition = recursion(projection(0), composition(successor, projection(0)))
predecessor = recursion(zero, projection(1))
monus = recursion(projection(0), composition(predecessor, projection(0)))
print addition(12, 6)
print predecessor(16)
print monus(10, 19)
I then constructed a way to represent (and parse/evaluate) the structure of different primitive recursive functions:
Expression = collections.namedtuple('Expression', ['head', 'arguments'])
def parse(expression):
if isinstance(expression, Expression):
return expression.head(*map(lambda argument: parse(argument), expression.arguments))
return expression
For example, the predecessor function can be represented as
predecessorExpression = Expression(
The parser works successfully when evaluating the predecessor expression:
predecessorFunction = parse(predecessorExpression)
print predecessorFunction(42)
What remains is to construct the expression trees that represent the primitive recursive functions. Does anyone know what the best way to approach this would be?
EDIT 2: Just came across this promising paper.