In my app I want the ability to continually check for Internet, Bluetooth and GPS status (if one is off/on). I need each of these to be on at all times for my application to work effectively.
For the Internet, I use a Handler which checks if internet is off/on every x seconds, and I create Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS intent which the user can select to turn internet on.
For the Bluetooth I have a Broadcast receiver which tells me if bluetooth is on/off and I handle it accordingly.
For the GPS I use a Handler too.
The problem I have is that my MainActivity is a Google Maps Activity and my way of handling bluetooth/internet/gps is not very user friendly, an alert dialog is brought up for each separate one (when off).
I'm thinking of having one AlertDialog that controls all of bt/internet/gps. However, I'm not sure if this is even possible (I also need to connect to pair to a bluetooth device).
What would you recommend is the best way to do this?